Blue Lakes Advisors is pleased to announce that Philippe Kessler has joined its team as of February, 2018. Philippe has more than 30 years of experience in Derivatives trading. He started his career at UBS at the Zurich based Soffex Market Making division, then in specialist teams in Zug and Zurich as a Eurex market...Read More
Blue Lakes Advisors et Heravest annoncent en commun le repositionnement respectif de leur stratégie d’entreprise : A l’aube de changements structurels dans les services financiers, Blue Lakes Advisors veut dorénavant se positionner comme plateforme indépendante de distribution de fonds et produits structurés, offrant des solutions d’investissements, à travers un réseau de spécialistes internes et externes....Read More
Blue Lakes Advisors is pleased to announce that it has acted as co-organizer of a gold stream financing, of USD 5’000’000, for the north Peruvian project of Canadian listed PPX Mining Inc. Along with this funding for PPX, Blue Lakes has brought Swiss investors into this stream. On behalf of Blue Lakes Advisors SA Michael...Read More
Blue Lakes Advisors is pleased to announce that Kirill Pankratiev has joined its team as of September, 2016. Kirill has more than 10 years of experience of multi-asset class capital management. He started his career in trading working for bulge bracket investment banks and later occupied portfolio management positions in asset management companies. Kirill holds...Read More
Blue Lakes Advisors is pleased to announce that Marc Diem has joined its team as of September, 2016. Marc has more than 20 years of experience as investment specialist. He started his careers as at « LPT Trading » and « Interforex Securities » as an equity derivative trader. He has been an independent « Investment Manager » since 2002 managing...Read More
Blue Lakes Advisors S.A. (« Blue Lakes ») is pleased to announce that it has entered into a business arrangement with US based « The Buckingham Research Group » (« Buckingham ») under which Blue Lakes will distribute Buckingham research to European institutional investors and refer such institutional investors to Buckingham for the provision of trading services. “Blue Lakes Advisors is...Read More
Blue Lakes Advisors S.A. (« Blue Lakes ») is pleased to announce that it has entered into a business arrangement with Abu Dhabi based « The National Investor » (« TNI ») under which Blue Lakes will distribute TNI funds to European institutional investors. “Blue Lakes Advisors is extremely proud to be able to provide to their institutional European clients access...Read More
Blue Lakes Advisors S.A. (« Blue Lakes ») is pleased to announce that it has entered into a business arrangement with Luxemburg based « VAM Funds (Lux) and VAM Managed Funds (Lux) » (« VAM ») under which Blue Lakes will distribute the VAM range of funds to European institutional investors. “Blue Lakes Advisors is extremely proud to be able to...Read More
The re-composition of the Swiss financial centre requires its players to revisit all or part of their business model. IBO and BLA are two young and innovative companies that share a vision: a) the sustainability and prosperity of the various asset managers will primarily be assured by their ability to generate sustainable performance b) the...Read More
Blue Lakes Advisors S.A. (Blue Lakes) is pleased to announce that the FINMA has granted the licence of Distributors of collective investment schemes (funds) to Blue Lakes Advisors. For more informations, please go to : About Blue Lakes Advisors S.A. Blue Lakes ( is a Swiss company advising financial institutions in Europe and in...Read More